AI-Contract Analysis

AI-Contract Analysis

AI-Contract Analysis

AI-Contract Analysis


In April 2024, we transformed contract management with AI-driven analysis; this case study delves into the design process behind this time-saving innovation for internal teams and customers alike.

My contribution

  • Prioritized user research and testing, crucial for early-stage startups

  • Streamlined user journey with AI verification, driving €1M milestone

The team

1 × product designer
1 × FE
1 x BE



AI-Contract Analysis


In April 2024, we transformed contract management with AI-driven analysis; this case study delves into the design process behind this time-saving innovation for internal teams and customers alike.

My contribution

  • Prioritized user research and testing, crucial for early-stage startups

  • Streamlined user journey with AI verification, driving €1M milestone

The team

1 × product designer
1 × FE
1 x BE



AI-Contract Analysis


In April 2024, we transformed contract management with AI-driven analysis; this case study delves into the design process behind this time-saving innovation for internal teams and customers alike.

My contribution

  • Prioritized user research and testing, crucial for early-stage startups

  • Streamlined user journey with AI verification, driving €1M milestone

The team

1 × product designer
1 × FE
1 x BE



Project image
Project image
Project image


In response to users' wishes, the team planned to integrate AI into contract analysis in April 2024. As a design evangelist, my goal is to ensure the AI brings genuine ease and intuitiveness, thereby reducing the burden on the CX team.

What were the existing problem before the implementation of AI analysis?


Operating within a small team focused on rapid development, we couldn't afford a lengthy, comprehensive user research process. However, despite having long-standing identified problems, my role was crucial in ensuring our developments truly addressed user needs. To mitigate risks and elevate UX awareness in this fast-paced environment, I implemented the following strategic approaches:

During discussions with stakeholders, opinions like "why would users need to check the results?" and "I don't want them to verify data or do so many things!" dominated the conversation. To break this cycle, I proposed talking directly to users for the first time to understand how they would like contract analysis to help with their workflows.


Currently, users can view the data value in the Contract list view and Contract detail view.

The data visualization in the contract list view is implemented with AG Grid Design System. In the first version, I adapted to the existing interface in both views and outlined the progression of the design and iterations in the contract detail view.


Enhance user experience: Integrate simple AI verification into existing flows


In response to users' wishes, the team planned to integrate AI into contract analysis in April 2024. As a design evangelist, my goal is to ensure the AI brings genuine ease and intuitiveness, thereby reducing the burden on the CX team.

What were the existing problem before the implementation of AI analysis?


Operating within a small team focused on rapid development, we couldn't afford a lengthy, comprehensive user research process. However, despite having long-standing identified problems, my role was crucial in ensuring our developments truly addressed user needs. To mitigate risks and elevate UX awareness in this fast-paced environment, I implemented the following strategic approaches:

During discussions with stakeholders, opinions like "why would users need to check the results?" and "I don't want them to verify data or do so many things!" dominated the conversation. To break this cycle, I proposed talking directly to users for the first time to understand how they would like contract analysis to help with their workflows.


Currently, users can view the data value in the Contract list view and Contract detail view.

The data visualization in the contract list view is implemented with AG Grid Design System. In the first version, I adapted to the existing interface in both views and outlined the progression of the design and iterations in the contract detail view.


Enhance user experience: Integrate simple AI verification into existing flows


In response to users' wishes, the team planned to integrate AI into contract analysis in April 2024. As a design evangelist, my goal is to ensure the AI brings genuine ease and intuitiveness, thereby reducing the burden on the CX team.

What were the existing problem before the implementation of AI analysis?


Operating within a small team focused on rapid development, we couldn't afford a lengthy, comprehensive user research process. However, despite having long-standing identified problems, my role was crucial in ensuring our developments truly addressed user needs. To mitigate risks and elevate UX awareness in this fast-paced environment, I implemented the following strategic approaches:

During discussions with stakeholders, opinions like "why would users need to check the results?" and "I don't want them to verify data or do so many things!" dominated the conversation. To break this cycle, I proposed talking directly to users for the first time to understand how they would like contract analysis to help with their workflows.


Currently, users can view the data value in the Contract list view and Contract detail view.

The data visualization in the contract list view is implemented with AG Grid Design System. In the first version, I adapted to the existing interface in both views and outlined the progression of the design and iterations in the contract detail view.


Enhance user experience: Integrate simple AI verification into existing flows


AI contract analysis is a feature our customers have been eagerly anticipating. Now, AI will perform the analysis, significantly reducing the time spent on manual data entry.


AI contract analysis is a feature our customers have been eagerly anticipating. Now, AI will perform the analysis, significantly reducing the time spent on manual data entry.


AI contract analysis is a feature our customers have been eagerly anticipating. Now, AI will perform the analysis, significantly reducing the time spent on manual data entry.

I’m Sum — a digital product designer based in Berlin

©2024 to ∞

I’m Sum — a digital product designer based in Berlin

©2024 to ∞

I’m Sum — a digital product designer based in Berlin

©2024 to ∞